Solar Powered Camping Gear

Solar Powered Camping Gear

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Home Page > Travel > Camping > Solar Powered Camping Gear

Solar Powered Camping Gear

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Posted: Apr 28, 2009 |Comments: 0
| Views: 727 |



During the summer months camping is one of the funnest things we can do with our time and with our families. Whther you truly rough it with any comforts, or you decide to take the RV or the generator, spending time in nature with friends or family is totally freeing and relaxing.

Many people are starting to use solar powered lights and heaters when camping, making it easier to cook and spend time with each other at night. There are some great advantages to using solar powered camping gear.

1 of the main advantages of solar powered camping gear is that you can avoid things like lanterns, that use oil and/or batteries. the solar powered light practically pays for itself after just a few trips. And there is no need to risk fires or burns on tents.

Another great solar powered item is the solar powered heaters. They can be used anywhere, inside tents, or in rafts and canoes as well. Simply let the heaters and lights cgarge in the sun, and you are ready to go.

Solar Powered Camping Gear – Go To The Solar Powered Camp Site

1 of the most widely used solar powered items is the Solar Powered radio’s. They are known to work much better than regular radios. They last for many, many hours when fully charged. You can get radio stations from all over due to the specially made solar panels. But there is something eles that is truly awesome.

These solar powered radios have plug-in’s on them that will aloow you to plug in things that have to run on electricity. Although you can most anything to work with solar energy, sometimes we already have items that use electricity, and when you can plug these items into something solar powered, why not?

Some of the main items that can be plugged into the solar powered radio’s are:

Coffee makers

Small TV’s


Battery Chargers

Phone Chargers


And all kinds of convenient items. 

As a matter of fact there are ven solar powered battery chargers that just need to be left out in the sun. Than they charge using nothing more than the natural power of the sun. 

There is also water purification equipment that can be used with solar power. There is the Steripen solar power charging kit that comes with a carrying case that has a full  solar panel side on it, making it easy and convenient to charge your  CR123 batteries.

For more information on the many great solar powered camping supplies and survival gear, just follow the link bhelow:

Solar Powered and Survival Camping Gear

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Joshua Mintz
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solar powered camping gear, survival camping gear

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