Solar Heating Tubes: The Ideal Solar Energy System

In the modern economic and political climate, landlords are struggling to comply with government regulations and the demands of tenants.  Finding more environment friendly ways to heat our buildings presents a real challenge.


We’ve all heard about the latest advances in wind technology and the great strides that are now being made in that area, but allow me to introduce you to solar heating tubes: the other green energy source. The sun is the most powerful natural energy source we have. Every day, 365 days per year in most (except, the sun gives us several hours of energy in the form of light and heat. However most of the energy it supplies goes unused, while we continue to burn polluting and rapidly disappearing fossil fuels.  The situation will only get worse for those who continue to rely on fossil fuels, so it’s time to put all the newly developed green technology to use, while the government is happy to help subsidize the costs.


Using solar heating tubes to produce green energy provides several advantages, both to landlords and tenants. Depending on the amount of hot water the building uses, the savings can be quite large, even if solar energy is used only to heat the building’s water. Naturally, different types of building will use massively different volumes of hot water, but hot water is used for one reason or another in more or less every building, whether it is for tenants taking baths, washing their clothes, washing dishes, or using warm water for general cleaning purposes. Numerous properties also use radiant heat, using coils of heated water underneath the flooring to heat the rooms. If your buildings are heated in this way, you will be able to reduce your heating bills significantly, if not entirely.


In places like New York solar energy has always been regarded as ineffective as the weather is changeable and there is often not enough direct sunlight for solar panels to be effective. Solar heating tubes, on the other hand, work differently and are able to capture much more sunlight. The cylindrical shape of the receptors allows the receiving unit to collect the sun’s energy throughout the day, as they have a larger surface area than conventional solar panels, which only receive optimal solar power when the sun shines directly on their flat surface. The energy collected is then stored inside copper rods and the tubes are vacuum sealed, allowing almost none of the energy to escape. So little, in fact, that the outsides of the tubes are usually cool to the touch even while the copper rods inside can reach over three hundred degrees Fahrenheit. The introduction of these two recent advances in solar technology makes it possible for landlords to make use of solar power even in less warm environments. If you are a landlord in New York green energy is now within your grasp.


This is one green technology that you will want to take advantage of. Installing solar heating tubes in your premises will not only reduce your carbon footprint and help save the planet, it also has the potential to leave a lot of extra green in your bank account. When you put those two things together, it’s very hard to think of a good reason not to use solar heating tubes.

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