Q&A: Just what is involved with setting up a solar power farm in the southwest?
Which power companies are required to buy the power, are there tax deductions, are there good web sites to visit, what local places are politically friendly to the idea? any ideas on contractors? This is a peliminary search
Best answer:
Answer by linlyons
several utilities are required to buy power that you produce at home, up to the amount of power that you use.
none are require to buy more power than you use.
that is, no power company is required to make it profitable for you to install solar panels, beyond the point where you don’t have to pay for power.
in addition, when power companies buy power from commercial producers, they pay far less for that power than they charge users. Since power companies have to maintain all of the distribution system, AND, they have to make a profit, maybe they pay 40 cents for the $ 1.00 of power that they sell to you.
In other words, it’s highly unlikely that your venture is going to work out.
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