People who know about Solar Power and Wind Turbines?
I am looking at my bill and I use on average about 50 KWH per day…..I dont know if thats high but I want to know what size of an solar power panel should I get or wind turbine to at least cut this in half or more….I would rather want the system to be grid tied.
By the way I live in middle Tennessee we are in zone 4 so we get 4.5 hours of direct sun and I dont now about average wind speeds.
Best answer:
Answer by Matthew
If you are doing this to save money, forget it. Use less energy by being conscious of your usage and/or using energy efficient appliances and lights. just by having the TV and other devices on a switch can save energy. And being care full when, and how efficiently you use you washer/dryer etc. can save electricity and it all adds up if you really pay attention.
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