Part 1: Durango CLEAN meeting: Mark Stetz, Tom Campbell

A Clean Local Energy Accessible Now (CLEAN) program is a national, state or local program that promotes the growth of a strong clean economy by reducing the time, risks, paperwork and other costs involved in selling clean energy from under-used spaces in our communities, such as warehouse rooftops and capped landfills. CLEAN programs maximize job creation, create new revenue streams for property owners, provide ratepayer savings, attract billions in private investment and accelerate transitions to clean energy. CLEAN programs—also known as “feed-in tariff” programs—are the most successful clean energy market creator in the world. The National Renewable Energy Lab found that this policy tool is responsible for 45 percent of all wind energy and 75 percent of all solar photovoltaic capacity installed before 2008. Key Features of CLEAN Programs: • Utilities must enter into CLEAN contracts — standard contracts to purchase all energy from an eligible renewable energy system at a fixed rate for an extended period of time (generally 20 years). • Small and medium renewable energy systems (generally 20 megawatts capacity and smaller) installed close to energy consumers can participate. • CLEAN programs improve grid access by increasing transparency. Economic Benefits: • CLEAN programs bring jobs to communities where the energy is needed. • CLEAN programs boost clean energy markets to a scale that attracts technology, manufacturing and assembly businesses. • Most clean, local Interview with Life Cycle Building Group at the 2010 Minnesota State Fair ECO Experience – GoSolar’s exhibit of it’s new Rolling Solar Charger – weights less than 3 lbs. and can be used to charge, Electric Bikes, Camping, Golf Carts, Boats, Hunting, Fishing, RVs, Cabins, Garages or just around the house cooking, refrigeration, heating you name it and Solar Power can do it all. Best of all it is convenient and cost effective… buy just enough to get to see the benefits of Solar Power! Make using it a part of your everyday routine and benefit by the flexibility and freedom it gives you to be independent. Begin to put Solar to work for you… in your everyday life… it’s easy, it’s fun, and gives you a wonderful feeling of doing a “Good Thing” for yourself and your world. http Interview 6 is the first place to put all of the solar and products to use with Solar in one place… we are on hand to help you with a Free DVD on how to design, install and maintain your Solar chargers and how maximize you power retention and use. for all of the answers to solving your alternative energy needs. Produced by http

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