how do I solar power my camper site?
I have property in a very rural area with no utilities close by and would like to know how many solar panels,batteries, charge controler, anf power inverter, would be needed to make a stand alone power system that would run my entire camper?
Best answer:
Answer by virtualguy92107
We run a full-size refrigerator, lighting for 500 sq. ft, an entertainment center, a microwave, 2 computers, and a phone signal booster amplifier. We have 800 watts of solar panels, a 60 amp charge controller, 10 deep discharge batteries, and a 2.5 kW inverter. A backup generator runs the table saw- which draws too much power for the inverter- and a 75-amp charger if it’s been cloudy for 2 days straight. System has been operating for 3 years, no problems. Will be upgrading to 16 batteries and 1.2 kW of panels this fall so that we can run a freezer and go 4 days without sun before using the generator.
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