Energy4Earth Use Solar Power Make Solar Panels


Bret has been in the solar industry for many years and his Ebook is collated from experience that he passes on to you in very simple and easy to understand language.

Solar industry is moving towards every household using and installing solar panels. The cost is extremely high and that is why Bret has produce his Ebook to show that with little knowledge and experience you can follow his steps and make solar panels that will look and match the commercial brands power output.

Home owners and environmental enthusiast have been searching the internet how to make build solar panels and create solar electricity in an effort to reduce their forever rising energy costs.

Home owners soon realize the price of the professionally made and installed solar panels are way too expensive and the cost compared to the power grid power is an alternative they cannot afford.


The search leads them to a more cost efficient way to harness energy (solar power) from the sun and that is to learn how to make solar panels for yourself at home for residential home use.

When you compared the purchase price of the pre-made solar power panel system to learning how to make solar panels for your own home power needs then the do it yourself method is cheap and effective.

By learning how to make solar panels, you control the size and design of your power system and you can add extra solar panels as you make them adding free solar power to your home.

Free solar electricity forever. No monthly electric bills.


The most important step is finding a quality package (informative manuals) with detailed instructions on how to make solar panels.

Making your own panels start small and work up but don’t expect to go off the grid next month.


Solar Panel Basics

The average home uses 30 kilowatt hours of electricity per day or about 1.2 kw per hour.
Plan on needing 2,000 watts due to efficiency losses as the sun is not always directly vertical.
Approximately one-third of your electicial use is by your air conditioner.
You will need an inverter to change dc into alternating current.
A controller is necessary to avoid overcharging your batteries.
Deep cycle batteries are needed to store electricity for night-time use. provides an excellent guide and instructional videos in the member’s area. You will find a wealth of information on generating your own power and will answer all your questions about wind and solar power:

How to pick up solar cells at a discount.
How many solar cells do you need for the power you want?
Detailed drawings and instructions that really make everything simple to make.
Where to pick up cheap batteries for energy power storage.
How much wind is necessary in order to use a wind turbine option.
AND instructional Videos

This really is a comprehensive guide that makes everything so clear that anyone can start generating their own electricity.

Bret Parkers Solar manuals offer some fantastic home care energy saving solutions. How to make solar panels, build solar generators, generate free solar power electricity, build wind power generators and power efficient wind mills.


Bret offers a 24/7 email help line for all members


Now is the time to make a difference. By investing in solar power today, you can gain energy independence and generate your own clean, renewable electricity from the sun while:

• Lowering your utility bills & operating costs

• Saving dollars against rising electricity prices

• Reducing energy demand from our power company utility-grids

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