Can India save a lot of money if Solar power plants are employed instead of employing other plants for power?

Will it be better if India produces electricity with the help of solar energy instead of coal or water ?

Best answer:

Answer by nerfer
Will it be better or will it save money? Those are two very different questions. Eventually they merge, but that’s farther out than economists or CEOs care to look or can accurately predict.

Right now gas and oil is relatively cheap. India doesn’t make much of either, from what I know, maybe they have enough coal (which is really dirty). Solar plants are expensive and much of it probably imported, but after 15 years or more may pay for themselves (solar thermal is probably better than solar panels). And if everybody adopted a lower carbon footprint, the whole world will be in a better place 40 or 50 years from now, but they’re more concerned about reducing poverty today. Keep in mind it also takes fossil fuel power to create the solar plants.

The best thing India could do is control its population growth. People take resources, and to improve their standard of living will take more resources. India can’t keep up with infrastructure requirements as it is, let alone improve things, and producing enough food will soon be a big problem. Hungry people won’t care about solar plants instead of coal.

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