Attention Landlords, Cut Your Energy Bills with Solar Heating Tubes

Everybody who has spent any significant time in the property rental business will know that energy expenses can take a great deal from your profit margin. Many of these costs are often forwarded to tenants, of course, but if you could reduce these costs, you would have a substantial edge in the property rental market. And the truth is that you can do something to drastically reduce your energy consumption energy consumption and help to save the environment at the same time. Landlords the world over are saving money by installing solar heating tubes. Solar heating tubes take solar technology to new heights, allowing you to enjoy the cost reducing benefits of completely renewable energy from the most abundant source of energy in the solar system – the sun. Solar heating tubes work more efficiently than regular solar panels, meaning that they effective even in cloudy regions where solar panels would be ineffective for most of the year.


Solar Panels vs Solar Heating Tubes


Most people are familiar with solar panels. They have been used since the sixties, and you’ll have seen them on roof tops. Whilst they were a novel idea, they are impractical in some ways as they can only gather energy when placed in direct sunlight. The shape and methods of storing the energy once it was collected also led too much of the solar energy being lost. Solar heating tubes address these design deficiencies by using a rounded, cylindrical shape, allowing the tubes to be positioned in such a way that they absorb sunlight throughout the day, thus gathering in more of the sun’s energy. Whats more, the energy is stored in a more efficient manner, employing a vacuum tube which retains a much higher percentage of the solar energy captured.


Solar heating tubes are a great way to heat your building’s water at no cost, thereby reducing your landlord energy expenses. You may be able to save even more money by using your solar heating tubes to heat the entire building. The more solar power you can use, the less you will need to depend on other, more pricey forms of power. As an additional advantage, your building will have more appeal to an increasingly environmentally conscious public, expanding your potential tenant base.


Green Energy Gives You an Edge in the Competitive Rental Market


Today’s rental market is very competitive and it is only going to become increasingly more so in the future. Those that wish to succeed need to do everything they can to give themselves an edge, and when a landlord cuts his bills with solar heating tubes, he gives himself several advantages over those that still rely solely on fossil fuels and electricity.


With the US government and several other governments around the world firmly behind green energy initiatives, the government will underwrite much of the costs in switching over to renewable energy technology. Solar heating tubes are a cutting edge green technology. Whether your building houses apartments, industry, or virtually anything else, solar heating tubes will save any landlord energy expenses.

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